Replacement Subaru Engine parts? | Issue No. 07

How do You Purchase Replacement Subaru Engine parts for the General 240 One Man Hole Digger?

1) Replacement parts, service and warranty support for the Subaru EH035V engine used with our 240 Hole Digger are provided by Robin America. General Equipment Company DOES NOT supply replacement engine parts.

2) Need a copy of the official parts diagrams for the engine? Just download and print a copy from the LIBRARY section of our website:

Need help?
Call us at 800.533.0524, or

3) For ordering parts from Robin America go to their website:

 4) Need help for anything not related to the engine? Call us at 800.533.0524, or email:

5) If you need a replacement parts diagram for the 240 Hole Digger, it’s fast and easy to download and print a copy from the LIBRARY section of our website:

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
Telephone: 800.533.0524 | Email:

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